CRAZY: Gretel Garcia and Frank Wick
Gretel Garcia and Frank Wick
Opening Friday June 6, 2008 from 6pm-10pm
june 6 - july 5
"Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes just be an illusion."
- Ali Javan (Inventor of the gas laser)
Gretel Garcia and Frank Wick are artists and ex-lovers. Their show, Crazy, brings together artwork that deals with love, intimacy, illusions and magic. There's an interaction of these terms that coexist and mingle to create an area that can be perceived as love or the absence of it. The artists question this interaction and how its plays into their personal lives and how its exists within social paradigms. The materialization of this is evident in things like personal ads. love songs, glamor shots and perfume.
Gretel Garcia Cuba was born in Havana Cuba and raised in Miami Florida since the age of 3. She received her BFA from the University of Miami with a concentration in Sculpture and a minor in Print-making. Her exhibitions include 15/Caliber (Barbra Gilmen Gallery- Miami), No Home Show (curated by Robert Chambers, Home of Eugena Vargas, Miami), Blanc,( Mexican Cultural Institute, Washington D.C.), Echelon: who is watching you? (POLVO, Chicago), Stiching Deluxe (Orleans Street Gallery, Chicago) and more recently several exhibitions in Happy Dog Gallery in Chicago. Her curatorial work includes the Motel Show - a one night exhibition in the San Juan Motel in Calle Ocho of Miami. She currently resides in Chicago.
Frank Wick was born the morning of December 4th,1970 in southern Illinois. Since then he has managed to show artwork at the Miami Art Museum, Projektraum 54 in Basel Switzerland, 2020 Projects in Miami and had his one and only solo show at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga: White Elephant. He pays his taxes like everyone else, eats and drinks too much and generally makes an attempt at keeping sane in light of what could be considered a mad world. His work tends to reflect upon that world and its inherent problems. He once said, quietly, “The world is grossly over-populated.” He didn’t elaborate but continued to sip his beer and stare at the Joey-heavy episode of Friends on the television mounted above the bar. He was also heard to mutter, “ Fuck all this. ” The statement went largely unnoticed but the sentiment was there. Frank works in a major natural history museum faux-painting replicas and making mounts for prehistoric objects and Native American artifacts.
1765 S. Laflin, St.
Chicago, IL 60608
info (at) antenapilsen (dot) com
Hours: saturdays Noon-5pm or by appointment
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